Skills assessments proven to improve performance
Empowering over 1000 recruiters inside global enterprises
The recruiter’s best friend
Imagine an interview where you don’t test for soft skills.
You already know them. And you’ve already seen this candidate do the job.
Measure soft skills
with science
You look for a unique set of skills for every role. Make faster, better hiring decisions with AI that scores the skill sets your candidates need to be top performers.
Not just any job, see candidates do your job
Forget generic assessments and multiple choice behavioral tests. Get accurate readings on candidates with open-speech ‘on-the-job’ tasks while setting expectations with candidates.
Listen to the following customer call. Respond letting them know that you understand their issue and that you are going to help them.
Listen to the audio:
Standardized, unbiased
hiring globally and across outsourced teams
Operationalize your hiring data for global hiring
decisions and finally leverage hiring as a revenue driving centre.
Drive business outcomes
in-house and across outsourced teams
HiringBranch proves time and time again that better inputs make better hires who stay longer.
Why everybody in the company loves HiringBranch
Fast guidance
Know instantly who has the skills to do the job, so you can move on to your next task.
Modern candidate experience
Create the best first impression for candidates by giving them a modern assessment tailored to your industry.
Total visibility and history
Allow managers and recruiters to access candidate scores and location performance.
Dedicated account management
Meet regularly with your dedicated success manager so you can correlate performance with assessments.
Better performance
Reduce the cost of bad hires. Our better performance guarantee demonstrates our commitment to your bottomline.
Standardization + data
Measure candidate skills at the global level and make global standards and strategic decisions with data.
Work alongside one of the most innovative AI teams trailblazing the future of skills-based hiring.
Outsourced call centers
Partner service
Work hand-in-hand with our proactive success team to build the custom reports you need to shine in client meetings.
Efficiency is everything when your profitability is on the line. What’s more efficient than evaluating skills at scale with 99% accuracy?
More than language
Hiring can't rely on language only. That’s why we designed our assessments to measure what candidates say and how they say it for a full employability assessment.
Recruiters have been spared millions of manual assessments thanks to HiringBranch
Fundraising Direct cuts interviews with HiringBranch
“With HiringBranch, we now have an 80% no-interview model. It saved my life! It’s reduced manpower and budget. I now have the gift of time.”
Sarah Wise, Fundraising Direct
We screen a huge number of candidates automatically. HR used to sit in 15-20 minute interviews consuming a huge amount of time. That time is cut by 80% now.
It instills confidence in our processes as we move
towards a No-Interview Model.
Anonymous, Fortune 500
Measure results in a risk-free pilot
Learn about our pilot and prove how AI can get results for your business.