The recent global events are unprecedented. The spread of COVID-19 has led to school closures around the world, affecting millions of people. Changes are happening rapidly and we need to adapt to new ways.
At HiringBranch, we know how to help. We’ve been a virtual company since the very beginning offering an interactive online platform for language courses and assessments. Our audio feedback tools ensure that your students don’t miss a beat or an assignment.
To help you during this stay-at-home period, HiringBranch is pleased to offer free resources and courses. If you need to perform remote oral assessments or any other language activity, please contact us. We’re here to help.We believe that actions can fill us with optimism. If we can help you overcome a small challenge in bad times, imagine how much you will accomplish in good?Sincerely,LearningBranch
“HiringBranch is proving to be a REAL asset during this global pandemic. It’s allowed us to continue offering students the attention and feedback they are used to from us. The integrated feedback tools and testing features makes sure that no one misses a beat while allowing them to work at their own pace.
I have created more language and cultural content to help compensate for the lost contact hours. It’s enhanced the students learning and they are really enjoying it. I am very glad that my College adopted HiringBranch a few years ago. Its features are constantly evolving and it has provided my students and I a wonderful tool to keep teaching and learning during this unprecedented situation.”
Julie Gagnon, Spanish Prof. PhD., John Abbott College