Ourfour-month pilot study currently underway at a large contact center in thePhilippines has yielded results that indicate that our A.I. Engine caneffectively replace manual processes throughout the recruitment and trainingprocesses.
Duringthe pilot phase currently underway in the Philippines, candidates write orrecord their answers to a series of simulated customer inquiries. Responses arethen scored by both our A.I. Engine and by external human evaluators.
Resultsshow that the A.I. Engine was found to be accurate over 75% of the timecompared to manual scoring. The other 25% of the time, the A.I. Engine waswithin a 15-20% tolerance.
We have recently started another pilot project with a global customer support organization that will allow us to further calibrate our A.I. Engine against associate performance on a global scale.
Contact us for more information.