How can you screen 17,000 applicants a year for communication and soft-skills, quickly, accurately, and save money at the same time? Many clients doing high-volume recruitment need to speed-up the hiring process. At the same time, they need to ensure new hires have the right communication skills for the job. In a previous post I described how our hybrid approach of automated soft skill evaluation with human scoring enables our contact center clients to screen tens of thousands of applicants a year – accurately, cost-effectively and with minimal subjectivity.
Automate Using AI
Recently we processed over 17,000 applicant screenings for one client. Compared to the standardized test used elsewhere in the company, the automated-hybrid approach saved them over $150,000 and provided them with better results.This more than pays for the 3.5 minutes per applicant of remote human evaluation, which can also replace an interview (for more savings), and provide human-level accuracy with minimal subjectivity.We are now developing an intelligent soft skill evaluation enginethat can automaticallyscore oncertainparameters within our soft skill testing framework.This test will predictthetop prospectsout oflarge applicant poolsbased on keyperformance indicators.
Test for All Skills in One Tool
The hybrid approachautomatically scores fundamentalskills including listening comprehension, grammar, multi-tasking, spoken pronunciation, and chat.The recorded speech adds important information to the assessment. It allowsrecruitersto evaluate anapplicant’s ability to perform live soft skillsunder pressure.This is different from text-based questionnaires that require a simple click on a form without the requirement to demonstrate the appropriate skill.
Customize Test to Your Needs
Working in collaboration with our clients, we have developed and calibrated a 20-minute test that has successfully processed hundreds of thousands of applicants.Clients can customize the test to target specific skills and business processes.With the right technology, companies can improve results and save time and money. HiringBranch helps organizations get great results with recruitment assessment and onboarding technology.